
Get expert advice on your nutrition, training, lower back rehabilitation, health, blood work, PEDs, and more through our Zoom video call consultations.

(1 Hour for 150 €)


What is zoom CONSULTATION?

Our Zoom consultation offers personalized expert advice tailored to your needs. During the call, Mohamed will answer all your questions and provide guidance in the right direction. He can review your current program, health status, blood work, and offer advice on lower back rehabilitation or any other relevant information you provide.

If you need a second opinion from an expert, Mohamed is here to help.

Please note: this consultation call offers expert advice and guidelines only. Mohamed does not create programs for this service.

However, if you want to work with Mohamed for a specific timeframe where he provides you with customized training, nutrition, and supplementation plans, and you have access to him on a daily basis, please visit the online coaching service page.

Disclaimer: Mohamed is not a medical professional. The advice and information provided during our consultations are based on his experience and expertise in the sports field.

For any medical concerns or conditions, please consult with a qualified healthcare provider.

Here’s how you can get your consultation

step 1

Please fill out the contact form below and provide the times you are available for a call this week.

step 2

After your payment, I will contact you within 24 hours and send you a link to schedule a call as soon as possible.

step 3

We will have our call, and all your questions will be answered in depth.

Instead of taking advice from unsuccessful people on how to be successful, seek guidance from those who are where you want to be.

consulation enquiery

Fill out the form below to get your consultation